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Possibility of restoring a backup done with windows 8.1 onto windows 10

I am having a great deal of trouble with my laptop.

I have used Backupper for a long time and it as been very easy.

I have made incrimental backups weekly of both my system drive and my data drive.

The latest backup was done after updating the windows to windows 10 and the data backup drive as been corrupted.

So I am unable to use it.

I have found a earlier backup of both drives and when I tried to restore from it it wont let me because it was done on a different system ie Windows 8.1.

Is there any way to get backupper to restore the older backup.

I have tried  checking and it wont let me.


  • I've restored an actual data disk image (a separate ssd drive, not a partition) that was  created with Window 7 - from Windows 10.

    I restored it to a newly created secondary  partition which I created on the Windows 10 disk (I shrunk 'C' which was taking the entire drive space and created a partition to receive the image).

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