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Not able to create recovery boot CD

I am using AOMIE Backupper. I amusing the utilities to create a recovery CD. I try to create a windows PE bood disc, selecting a drive with a writable CD installed. AOMIE gives me an error stating "Detects that there is no writable disc..." Other programs are able to write to this same disc in the same drive. I get the same result when trying to create a linux disc. I can create a linux ISO and burn it with a third-party utility. When I try to create the windows PE image in the same way, I get more error messages. I do not seem to be able to create a windos PE boot disc. Any help with this issue would be much appreciated. 


  • Problem solved. I did not have enough space on my system hard drive. I freed some space on my SSD and was able to create the windows PE boot disc iso image. 

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