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AB Technician licensing question


I work as a support technician for different companies. Can I use an AB Technician license to install the backup software in all my clients computers?. If not, I dont't fully understand the concept of technical support if software is not included.. Could you please elaborate this a bit for me?.

If I cannot install the software using my license in all my clients computers... should I buy this AB license and also as many server/PC licenses of the software for each of my clients?. In this case, I have tried to apply for the Reseller program, but have not received an ACK of the sent mail... Any hints on how much does it take for the request to be processed?.

Thanks in advance


  • Hello kankamuso,
    As for the qustion you asked.I must say that One license code can be used to register the program on unlimited PCs within your company, and also can be used by a single technician to provide profitable technical services to other companies and individuals.If your company have more than one technician,you could buy each one a license code for the convenience.

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