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AOMEI Backuper Workstation (Livetime Lizenz) install on a new PC

i will install AOMEI Backuper Workstation (Livetime Lizenz) on my new PC. i Buy every year a new PC. 
My question now is whether I can install AOMEI Backuper Workstation (Livetime license) on my new system (which I will buy next year) if I uninstall it on my old system (My now purchased new computer) beforehand. Will the license then be unlocked by uninstalling it on the old system, or can I unlock it myself via a web portal. This is very important to me because I don't want to buy a new license every year when I buy a new PC. Or do I then have to contact AOMEI support and they will release the license. Thanks already for the answer.

Many greetings



  • @Rddomain, LICENSEE is non-transferable and non-assignable, except in limited circumstances. The limited circumstances include where the original computer the Software license was deployed on: (i) becomes non-functioning; and (ii) falls into disuse. In such cases, the license is transferable to a replacement computer.
    If you need to transfer the license to a new computer based on the above circumstances, please contact the support team and offer your license code so that they help you reset the license.
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