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Anyviewer losing unattended access connection

I'm losing unattended access to a large group of my computers.  And then the ID doesn't even work to connect either on these computers.  I'm not sure what to do to connect when this is happening.  Is there any work around or has anyone else encountered these issues?  I've recently updated mine to 4.3 and not sure if this has anything to do with it..  Please help someone, it's very important to no lose access to computer I'm not sure how this is even an issue..  


  • edited January 30
    Hello Jacooper. Did you try reinstalling the app on both PCs?
    Confirm you have done all Windows updates, including optional updates?
    Scan with Malwarebytes to confirm there are no unwanted programs in the background?
    "ID doesn't even work"
    Sometimes in Anyviewer, the Device ID will change itself, simply use the new ID.
    After troubleshooting, if this continues to be a problem, you could try using Teamviewer Unattended Access, as a secondary option.
    AnyViewer Tech Support
    [email protected]

  • @Jacooper, Please check if the fixed password is garbled. Did you upgrade from 4.2 to 4.3?
  • Currently i have to PCs with the same problem. They are running 24/7 and loose their connection again and again (while the programme is still running). Our only solution is right now to use a different vendors product to log in and restart the system.
  • AnyViewer Tech Support
    [email protected]
  • @MMueller, "loose their connection again and again"---The remote is disconnected? Could you re-connnect the remote immediately after disconnection? And, are you using the latest version of AnyViewer?
  • I am using 4.3. The remote computer will be have a running Anyviewer. But in my Anyviewer it will be shown as offline. After rebooting the remote PC it will run ok for a while before going offline again.

  • "before going offline again"
    How is the host PC client connected, by WiFi, or Ethernet? Please connect the host client PC to ethernet, to give it a consistant connection. Disable a VPN if it uses that. Do all Windows updates, including optional updates.
    Scan with Malwarebytes to confirm there are no unwanted programs in the background.
  • The PC is directly connected to the ethernet. It was just stuck right now. So i tried to restart the Anyviewer service. Afterwards the Anyviewer windows showed up but it was stuck on the login page. Thus another reboot.

    Staying online is a basic functionality which HAS to work.
  • Oh, i did not have to reboot. Quitting the Anyviewer app and restarting it helped.

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