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RealTimeSync creates new folders in target drive instead of updating the existing folder structure.

edited June 14 in AOMEI Products Support

I am having trouble with setting up RealTimeSync.

I want to sync one drive E: (including all existing folders) to another identical drive F: (which has exactly the same folders).

But, if I just use E: as the source and F: as the target in RealTimeSync it starts to create completely
new folders in F: instead of just updating the existing folder structure.

I am using the latest version of AEOMI Backupper Professional (7.3.5) on a Windows 11 machine.

Hope somebody can help...



  • edited June 14
    Thank you, TedK. You could try Mirror Sync instead, to see if that works how you want it to. Here is a link to read more about the differences between the syncs.
  • @TedK, The sync feature will sync the whole source folder to the destination. So, it will create the source folder under the destination.When you sync E: drive to F: drive, it will create E folder under F: drive. This is how our synchronization feature works.
  • edited June 17
    Thank you, Admin...

    Is there any way I can do what I described with Backupper Pro?

  • Thank you, AiArtisan...

    I will try Mirror Sync and see if that does what I want.

    Best regards,
  • Thank you both for your help.

    Unfortunately, I have had to resort to another product to do exactly what I want.

    Best regards,
  • edited June 17
    If you have found a solution with another product, could you please reply with the solution, it will help future users find their answers.
    "I want to sync one drive E: (including all existing folders) to another identical drive F:"
    Basic Sync, Mirror Sync, and Two Way Sync types are for one-time sync tasks, and Real Time Sync type is for persistant, ongoing sync tasks that are needed even after you close BU and restart PC. For Example, If you want partition N: to sync to partition M: , and continue syncing forever, every time you start Windows, then Real Time Sync will do that.
    " just use E: as the source and F: as the target in RealTimeSync it starts to create completely
    new folders in F:"
    BU Real Time Sync will create 1 folder, and name it after the drive letter of the source partition, and put a copy of the source partition files and folders in that.
    You could use BU > Partition Clone, to exactly clone the partition once, but it will not be persistant. If you want persistant drive mirroring, you could consider R.A.I.D. software from a 3rd party.

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