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AOMEI Backupper Pro 7.3.5 Run mirror syncs one after the other?

I have various mirror syncs set to run daily. If I set them to all run at the same time, will they backup one at a time then move to the next once the last backup is done?  I've scheduled each one to run at various intervals but its guesswork as some take much longer than others.   I'd like to just have the program run them one at a time then move to the next automatically. 

Nancy Ü


  • Create 2 Mirror Sync task schedules, then see if it runs them one after another.
  • @pce4all, Yes, they will run one at a time then move to the next once the last backup is done.
  • Thanks you for the info. I have 13 Mirror Sync tasks and changing them all is a pain so I wanted to make sure it would work before I did it.  

    Have an awesome day!
    Nancy Ü
  • Pce4all, if you have tasks on the home screen, you may save them by create a BU configuration backup. Then erase all tasks, then create your own tasks for testing. Then erase your tasks for testing, then restore the original tasks from your configuration backup. This way you can test things you want to, without losing anything.
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