By AOMEI / Last update December 10, 2024

This article applies to: all versions of AOMEI Partition Assistant.


Error description: The program detected the Paging File (pagefile.sys) is on your target partition. To commit the operation please remove the paging file first.

This error code is caused by the page file. Extend Partition Wizard could not handle any partition which contain the page file but C:drive.


Method 1: you need to firstly remove the page file from the partition that you want to resize. (You could Right click "Computer"->"Properties"->"Advanced system settings"->"Performance Settings" -> "Advanced" -> "Virtual Memory Change".)

Method 2: you may create a bootable media with Partition Assistant and finish the operation under Windows PE mode.

If there is still any problem, please feel free to contact our AOMEI Support Team.