
Do you know why your friends never complain data loss?
See Their SecretAOMEI Backupper Standard Recognized in the Best Free PC Backup Software 2017 by TechRadar
By: Doris September 3, 2020AOMEI, the easiest backup service provider, is proud to announce that it has been honored in the list of the Best Free PC Backup Software 2017 by TechRadar. The Best Free PC Backup Software 2017 is chosen by editor of the TechRadar. Among the 5 providers evaluated by Techradar, AOMEI ranked third.
According to TechRadar report, “AOMEI Backupper Standard includes a simple wizard that makes creating images straightforward, even for complete beginners.” and its powerful backup features “For day-to-day backups, AOMEI Backupper Standard lets you save whole partitions or selected directories, with a simple drop-down menu enabling you choose between full, differential or incremental backups. Again, these can be scheduled to take place at regular intervals, making it a simple set-and-forget affair.”
“We work tirelessly towards providing a reliable and valuable backup service to our millions of users worldwide, from the home user to the small business, right up to government and enterprise organizations,” said Owin Wu, Marketing Director at AOMEI. “We’re honored to be recognized by TechRadar as one of the best free PC backup software 2017, the recognition reinforces our product’s market position to deliver reliable and easy-to-use data backup solution.” “With this acknowledgement, our customers can be confident they are receiving the premiere data protection solution for their computers, regardless if they are IT experts.”
AOMEI Backupper protects users’ data and system with one, comprehensive, easy-to-use solution that delivers speed, reliability, simplicity and cost savings. AOMEI Backupper supports backup and restore at both the file and system levels, as well as data protection for both physical and virtual environments. Through one integrated solution, AOMEI Backupper gives users the free backup, recovery and data protection they need in today’s ever-changing and increasingly complex world. A full list of the Best Free PC Backup Software 2017 can be seen online at:
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