
Do you know why your friends never complain data loss?
See Their SecretNew Product! vrBackupper 1.0 Released.
By: Doris September 3, 2020AOMEI Technology newly released vrBackupper 1.0 on November 23. It is a completely free tool designed to backup, restore and migration Oculus Rift and its games, apps, etc. It helps user protect and manage Oculus Rift and use Oculus Rift easy. Both current and new users can know about vrBackupper 1.0 and download it free by visiting product page.
As we all know, Oculus Rift has been very popular since it’s developed, but there is no product to solve the problem of moving, backing up and restoring its installation directory and all its games in the market, now vrBackupper coming into being.
What kind of circumstances would need vrBackupper?
By default, Oculus installs and saves all the games on C: drive and only the new version of Oculus allows users to save Oculus installation to other drive. So many users that install it on C: drive may encounter storage space problem and want to move it to another non-C: drive. In this case, move Oculus installation directory and all its games with vrBackupper is an intelligent choice.
Some Oculus users may want to play their games on a better equipped computer in order to have a better experience. However, re-download all its games on the new machine is time-consuming and troublesome. What’s more, they are afraid of losing saved game progress when they restart game or reinstall Oculus rift. Not need to worry further, vrBackupper could help now. It is able to backup VR game configurations covering saved game progress, in-game level, equipment and etc. Even though restore Oculus installation to other computers, or migrate to a different drive, users can still continue their game from the latest saving point.
vrBackupper Features
There are three main features of vrBackupper: move Oculus Rift to a different drive, backup Oculus Rift and its inclusions, restore Oculus Rift back and save all settings. vrBackupper is a complete free and easy-to-use Oculus Rift backup, restore and migration tool. It helps users protect & manage Oculus Rift and make them use Oculus Rift more easily. vrBackupper ensures Oculus work normally after restoration or migration. AOMEI freely offers this useful tool for all users, just download and have fun for your Oculus Rift games with it! Please note vrBackupper only support Windows 10 64bit currently.
AOME Technology, founded in 2010, is a software developing company dedicated in data backup, disk partition and multi-cloud file management. Meanwhile, AOMEI is also a freeware-based company; strive to make 81% of the users free to use AOMEI’s products. Their goal is "let tens of millions of users benefit from AOMEI products, and make AOMEI products industry benchmark".
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