Microsoft will Presently Refresh Windows 10 Yearly with New Highlights

Microsoft said that the update rhythm of Windows 10 is coordinated with the update rhythm used by Windows 11, and will also present new highlights on an annual basis.

By @DervishLast Updated December 15, 2021


Microsoft says it's intending to refresh Windows 10 yearly with any future component refreshes. Beginning today, Microsoft is delivering the Windows 10 November 2021 update, and the following significant update after that will be accessible later in 2022. This update rhythm coordinates with the equivalent utilized by Windows 11, which will likewise present new highlights on a yearly premise.

We will progress to another Windows 10 delivery rhythm to line up with the Windows 11 rhythm, focusing on yearly element update discharges, clarifies John Cable, Microsofts head of Windows adjusting and conveyance. The following Windows 10 component update is scheduled for the second 50% of 2022.

Microsofts obligation to future Windows 10 component refreshes comes after the organization hushed up in regard to its arrangements during the Windows 11 uncovering recently. However, it's still not satisfactory what Microsoft will bring to Windows 10 later on. The November 2021 update is exceptionally minor, with the just champion component for clients being GPU register support in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Microsoft has additionally currently begun carrying out the new Microsoft Store to Windows 10 gadgets recently.

The majority of Microsofts future Windows plans are naturally for Windows 11, yet the organization will uphold somewhere around one adaptation of Windows 10 until October fourteenth, 2025. We could see two or perhaps three component updates to Windows 10 until its finish of help date, yet they're not liable to be critical ones any longer.

Microsoft is likewise speeding up its rollout of Windows 11 today. In light of the positive rollout update insight and client criticism we have seen to date, we are propelling the speed of the rollout quicker than we recently expected, and presently making the Windows 11 redesign all the more extensively accessible to qualified Windows 10 gadgets, says Cable.