By Delia / Last update December 10, 2024

Google Chrome includes a password manager as a standard feature. If you've ever registered for a website, you should have seen a dialog box asking you whether to save your username and password. Once you confirm the save, Google will automatically fill in your ID and password the next time you log in to that site.

This is very convenient because you don't need to manually record and enter this information. However, for some reason, the password saving feature sometimes does not work properly and you may not be able to save your password. In this article, we will state several scenarios that may cause this problem and provide corresponding solutions.

save password

Scenario 1: "Offer to save passwords" is turned off

First, make sure that Chrome's built-in password manager is not turned off. Until this feature is turned on, Chrome will not be able to save your passwords.

Click the menu icon with three dots in the upper right corner of the Chrome window, and click "Settings" in the menu that opens.

When the Settings page opens, select "Autofill" on the left, then click "Passwords" on the right.

When the "Password" setting page opens, make sure "Offer to save passwords" is turned on. If not, slide the switch to the right to turn it on.

Also, make sure that the target site is not in the "Never Saved" list on the same page, otherwise the site's login page will not show the save passwords dialog. If it is in the list, you can remove it by clicking the X icon to the right of the entry.

offer to save password

Tip: If you click the Do Not Use button when the password save dialog box appears, the site will be added to the Never Saved list.

Scenario 2: You are using incognito or guest mode

Chrome's Incognito mode allows you to automatically fill in saved passwords, but does not allow you to save new ones. And Guest mode does not allow you to save nor auto-fill passwords.

In both cases, the only option is to reopen the login page in normal mode and save the password.

incognito mode

Scenario 3: Have problem syncing with Google Account

If you use Chrome to sign in to your Google account, by default, your saved passwords are synchronized between Chrome and your Google account, and passwords saved in Chrome are also saved in the Google account password manager.

If Chrome works properly on every device you sign in to with the same Google account, you should be able to sync and share your passwords. However, if there is a problem with syncing, passwords stored in Chrome may also be affected.

If you are still having problems storing your passwords, check your Google Account password manager settings, saved lists, and disabled lists against Chrome's settings to see if there are any differences. If you find any differences, try un-syncing your Google account and then re-logging in with the same Google account to re-establish the sync.

There is also a case where you enable other external password management tools, which interfere with Chrome's built-in functionality to the point where the password prompt is disabled. You can check the list of extensions to see if there are any such extensions, and if so, consider disabling them.