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PXE Boot works but still not possible to restore image ??

edited November 2015 in AOMEI Products Support

I've installed PXE Boot succesfully and also created an iso made with the PE Builder.

When booting with PXE, I can see the computer connects and the iso is transferred to the computer without any problem.

The image is loaded and the GUI from Aomei is shown. I click on Restore image but then I can only see the harddisk from the computer and not the disk on the master computer where the images are stored...

When I click Share/NAS to see if I can see my images I need to set an IP (I don't know beause this is done by the DHCP from PXE boot)

If I type the name from the master computer I still cannot connect to the master computer...

Who can help me and guide me through the correct steps or settings so I can restore the image through PXE Boot to the computer.........


  • Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Maybe you can try the way that you mentioned which was set the IP of your master computer.

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